Darshan Ki icha he to
durga durga bol
amba amba bol mata
amba amba bol

If you have the desire for liberation chant the name "durga", sing the name "mother!"

Amba amba bol jay jay
durga durga bol

Chant "Mother!", chant "Durga!"Victory to Durga and the Mother

Bhakti bhav milna he toh
shakti shakti bol
Kali kali bol mata kali kali bol
kali kali bol jay jay shakti shakti bol

If you want devotion to the Lord, chant the name "Shakti" Sing "Kali Mother Shakti".Victory to Kali, Victory to Shakti.

Om Shakti om Shakti Om
Kali Kali jay jay jay
durga durga jay jay jay
amba amba jay jay jay

Victory to Kali, Durga & the Mother.

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